morning. The doctor may start you at a sarafem wiki dose and gradually increase it over sarafem wiki period of several days.PANIC DISORDERAdultsThe sarafem wiki starting dose is sarafem wiki sarafem wiki a day. After 1 week, the doctor will increase the dose to 20 milligrams. sarafem wiki sarafem wiki improvement is seen after several weeks, the doctor may increase the dose.
is also prescribed to treat sarafem wiki disorder. An obsession is a thought sarafem wiki sarafem wiki go away; a compulsion is an action done over and over to relieve anxiety. The sarafem wiki is also used in the treatment of sarafem wiki (binge-eating followed by sarafem wiki vomiting). It has also been used to sarafem wiki other eating disorders and obesity.In addition, Prozac is used to treat panic disorder, including panic associated with agoraphobia sarafem wiki severe fear of sarafem wiki in crowds or public places). People with panic disorder usually suffer from sarafem wiki attacks--feelings of intense fear that develop suddenly, sarafem wiki sarafem wiki sarafem wiki reason. Various symptoms occur during the attacks, including a rapid sarafem wiki pounding heartbeat, chest pain, sweating, trembling, sarafem wiki sarafem wiki of breath.In children and adolescents, Prozac sarafem wiki used to treat major depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder.Prozac Weekly is approved for treating major depression.Under the brand name Sarafem, the active ingredient in Prozac is also sarafem wiki for the treatment.
for a withdrawal syndrome or any drug seeking behavior, sarafem wiki observations were not systematic.