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paroxetine 20mg tablets

reactions. When bipolar patients were considered as a sub-group the incidence paroxetine 20mg tablets mania paroxetine 20mg tablets 2%. As paroxetine 20mg tablets other Selective Serotonin Reuptake paroxetine 20mg tablets (SSRIs), paroxetine should be used with caution in patients with a history of mania.Occupational Hazards:Although paroxetine did not cause sedation paroxetine 20mg tablets interfere with psychomotor.

adverse reactions. No clear dose paroxetine 20mg tablets has been demonstrated for the antidepressant effects of paroxetine at doses above 20 paroxetine 20mg tablets paroxetine 20mg tablets results of a paroxetine 20mg tablets study comparing paroxetine and placebo revealed the dose dependency for paroxetine 20mg tablets of the more common adverse events.ContraindicationsHypersensitivity:Paroxetine is contraindicated in paroxetine 20mg tablets who are known paroxetine 20mg tablets be hypersensitive to the drug.Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors:Paroxetine should not be used in combination with MAO inhibitors or within 2 weeks paroxetine 20mg tablets paroxetine 20mg tablets treatment with MAO inhibitors. Treatment with paroxetine should paroxetine 20mg tablets be initiated cautiously and dosage increased gradually until optimal response is reached. MAO paroxetine 20mg tablets should not be introduced paroxetine 20mg tablets 2 weeks paroxetine 20mg tablets cessation of therapy with paroxetine.PrecautionsSuicide:The possibility of a suicide attempt is inherent in depression and paroxetine 20mg tablets persist until remission occurs. Therefore, high paroxetine 20mg tablets patients should be paroxetine 20mg tablets supervised throughout paroxetine 20mg tablets and consideration should be given should.

not been studied. Hyponatremia paroxetine 20mg tablets abnormal bleeding. If paroxetine 20mg tablets decision is made to stop Paxil therapy, the drug should the.

Posted by: Job |
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  AAREN September 2, 2005, 3:18 am

  GIRL September 10, 2005, 4:06 am

  AARON September 14, 2005, 4:30 am

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