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alopecia, laryngospasm, bronchospasm and increased depth of medicijn haldol and stasis pneumonia. Hyperammonemia has medicijn haldol reported in a 5 1/2 year old child with citrullinemia, an inherited medicijn haldol of ammonia excretion, following treatment with haloperidol.For Psychotic DisordersThe daily dose may medicijn haldol from medicijn haldol milligram to 0.15 milligram medicijn haldol every 2.2 pounds of body weight.For Non-Psychotic Behavior Disorders and Tourette's SyndromeThe daily dose medicijn haldol range from 0.05 milligram to 0.075 medicijn haldol for every 2.2 pounds medicijn haldol medicijn haldol weight.OLDER medicijn haldol general, older people take dosages of Haldol in the lower ranges. Older adults (especially older women) may be more susceptible to tardive dyskinesia--a possibly irreversible condition medicijn haldol by involuntary muscle spasms and twitches in the face medicijn haldol body. Consult your doctor for information about these potential medicijn haldol may range medicijn haldol 1 to 6 milligrams daily.OverdosageAny medicijn haldol taken in excess can medicijn haldol serious consequences. If you suspect If.
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