happens if I overdose?Seek emergency medical attention if tranquilizer fluoxetine think you have taken tranquilizer fluoxetine much of this medication. Symptoms of a fluoxetine tranquilizer fluoxetine may include nausea, vomiting, fever, sleepiness, rapid or uneven heartbeat, confusion, fainting, seizures, or coma.What should tranquilizer fluoxetine tranquilizer fluoxetine while taking fluoxetine?Avoid drinking alcohol.
be used? Return to topFluoxetine (Prozac) comes as a capsule, a tablet, a delayed-release (long-acting) tranquilizer fluoxetine and a solution (liquid) to take by mouth. Fluoxetine may be taken with or without food. Fluoxetine (Sarafem) comes as a capsule to take by mouth. Fluoxetine (Prozac) capsules, tablets, and liquid are usually taken once a day tranquilizer fluoxetine the morning or twice a day, in the morning and at noon. Fluoxetine delayed-released capsules tranquilizer fluoxetine usually taken once a week. Fluoxetine (Sarafem) is usually taken once a day, tranquilizer fluoxetine every day of the tranquilizer fluoxetine tranquilizer fluoxetine tranquilizer fluoxetine tranquilizer fluoxetine days of the month. Take fluoxetine at around the same tranquilizer fluoxetine every day. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and tranquilizer fluoxetine tranquilizer fluoxetine tranquilizer fluoxetine or pharmacist to explain any tranquilizer fluoxetine you do not understand. Take fluoxetine exactly as directed. Do not tranquilizer fluoxetine tranquilizer fluoxetine or less tranquilizer fluoxetine it or take it more often than tranquilizer fluoxetine by your doctor.Your doctor tranquilizer fluoxetine start you on a low dose of fluoxetine and gradually increase your tranquilizer fluoxetine may tranquilizer fluoxetine 4 tranquilizer fluoxetine 5 weeks or tranquilizer fluoxetine before you.
and alert.Fluoxetine side effectsGet emergency medical help tranquilizer fluoxetine you have any of these tranquilizer fluoxetine of an allergic.