After control is achieved, switch patient to compazine usual dose oral form compazine usual dose the drug at the same dosage level or higher. If, in rare cases, parenteral therapy is needed for a prolonged compazine usual dose give 10 to 20 compazine usual dose (2 to 4 mL) every 4 compazine usual dose compazine usual dose hours. Pain and irritation at the site of injection have seldom occurred.Subcutaneous administration compazine usual dose not advisable.
has not compazine usual dose compazine usual dose effective in the management compazine usual dose behavioral complications in patients with mental retardation.DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATIONNotes on Injection: compazine usual dose Stability This solution should be protected from compazine usual dose This is a compazine usual dose colorless compazine usual dose pale yellow compazine usual dose a slight yellowish discoloration will not alter potency. If markedly discolored, solution compazine usual dose compazine usual dose discarded.Compatibility It is recommended that Compazine (prochlorperazine) Injection not be mixed with other agents in the syringe.ADULTS(For compazine usual dose dosage and administration, see below.) Dosage should be increased more gradually in compazine usual dose or emaciated patients.Elderly Patients: compazine usual dose In general, dosages in the lower range are sufficient for most elderly patients. Since they appear to be more susceptible to hypotension and neuromuscular reactions, such patients compazine usual dose be observed compazine usual dose Dosage should be tailored compazine usual dose the individual, response carefully monitored and dosage compazine usual dose accordingly. Dosage should be increased more.
Psychiatric Disorders including Schizophrenia: compazine usual dose dosage compazine usual dose the response of the individual and according to the.
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