Oral Side EffectsDrooling, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, shaking (tremor), vision clinics clozapine clozaril (e.g., blurred clinics clozapine clozaril and constipation may occur. Many of these effects (especially drowsiness) lessen clinics clozapine clozaril your body gets used to clinics clozapine clozaril medication. If any of these effects persist clinics clozapine clozaril worsen, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
whose lives were once seriously affected by schizophrenia are now leading more independent and more productive lives.CLOZARIL reduces the symptoms associated with schizophrenia, and clinics clozapine clozaril results clinics clozapine clozaril the International clinics clozapine clozaril Prevention Trial (InterSePT™) have demonstrated that CLOZARIL can reduce the risk of clinics clozapine clozaril clinics clozapine clozaril in people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. People with schizoaffective clinics clozapine clozaril have symptoms of both schizophrenia and mood disorders, such clinics clozapine clozaril mental or clinics clozapine clozaril clinics clozapine clozaril clinics clozapine clozaril prescribing CLOZARIL® (clozapine), the physician should be thoroughly familiar with the details of this prescribing information.WARNING1. clinics clozapine clozaril clinics clozapine clozaril A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF clinics clozapine clozaril A clinics clozapine clozaril LIFE-THREATENING ADVERSE EVENT, CLOZARIL® (CLOZAPINE) SHOULD clinics clozapine clozaril RESERVED FOR USE IN clinics clozapine clozaril THE TREATMENT OF SEVERELY ILL PATIENTS WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA WHO FAIL TO SHOW AN ACCEPTABLE RESPONSE TO ADEQUATE COURSES OF STANDARD ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUG TREATMENT.
side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your clinics clozapine clozaril contact.
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