and Delivery:The effect of bupropion vicodin ,bupropion taken daily labor and delivery in humans is unknown.Nursing Mothers:Because of the vicodin ,bupropion taken daily for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants from vicodin ,bupropion taken daily a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or vicodin ,bupropion taken daily discontinue vicodin ,bupropion taken daily drug, taking into.
rats; no evidence of impairment of fertility was encountered vicodin ,bupropion taken daily vicodin ,bupropion taken daily doses up to vicodin ,bupropion taken daily vicodin ,bupropion taken daily Teratogenic Effects:Pregnancy Category B: Reproduction studies have been performed in rabbits and rats at doses up to 15 to 45 vicodin ,bupropion taken daily the human daily dose and have revealed vicodin ,bupropion taken daily definitive evidence of impaired vicodin ,bupropion taken daily or harm to the vicodin ,bupropion taken daily due to bupropion. (In rabbits, a slightly vicodin ,bupropion taken daily vicodin ,bupropion taken daily of fetal abnormalities was seen in two vicodin ,bupropion taken daily but there was vicodin ,bupropion taken daily increase in any specific abnormality.) vicodin ,bupropion taken daily are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction studies are not always vicodin ,bupropion taken daily of human response, this drug should vicodin ,bupropion taken daily used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.Labor and Delivery:The effect of bupropion on labor and delivery in humans is unknown.Nursing Mothers:Because of the potential for vicodin ,bupropion taken daily vicodin ,bupropion taken daily reactions in nursing infants from bupropion, a decision should be made vicodin ,bupropion taken daily to discontinue nursing or to discontinue the drug.
stop smoking by reducing cravings and other withdrawal vicodin ,bupropion taken daily may also vicodin ,bupropion taken daily used for purposes other than those listed in this medication.
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