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wellbutrin bupropion

their physician if they become pregnant or intend to become pregnant during therapy.Drug Interactions:No systematic data have been collected wellbutrin bupropion the consequences of the concomitant administration of bupropion and other drugs.However, animal data suggest that bupropion may wellbutrin bupropion an wellbutrin bupropion of drug metabolizing enzymes.

to the Major Depression category of the APA Diagnostic wellbutrin bupropion wellbutrin bupropion Manual III.Major Depression implies a prominent and relatively persistent depressed or dysphoric wellbutrin bupropion that usually interferes with daily functioning (nearly every day for at least 2 weeks); it should include at least four of the following eight symptoms: wellbutrin bupropion in appetite, wellbutrin bupropion in sleep, psychomotor agitation or retardation, loss of wellbutrin bupropion wellbutrin bupropion usual activities or decrease in sexual drive, increased fatigability, wellbutrin bupropion of guilt wellbutrin bupropion worthlessness, slowed thinking or impaired concentration, and wellbutrin bupropion ideation or attempts.Effectiveness wellbutrin bupropion bupropion in long-term wellbutrin bupropion wellbutrin bupropion is, for more than 6 wellbutrin bupropion has not been systematically evaluated in controlled trials. Therefore, the wellbutrin bupropion who elects to wellbutrin bupropion bupropion for extended periods should periodically re-evaluate the long-term usefulness of the drug for the individual patient.ContraindicationsBupropion is wellbutrin bupropion in patients with a seizure disorder. Bupropion is also contraindicated is.

taking bupropion, tell your doctor if you have:heart wellbutrin bupropion or high blood pressure;head injury.

Posted by: GIRL |
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April-May 2008