Hydroxyzine adds to antihistamine,atarax the sedating effects of antihistamine,atarax antihistamine,atarax other drugs that antihistamine,atarax cause sedation such as the benzodiazepine class of antihistamine,atarax drugs [for example, diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan), clonazepam (Klonopin), alprazolam (Xanax)], the narcotic class of pain medications and its derivatives [for.
divided into several smaller doses.Children antihistamine,atarax Age antihistamine,atarax total dose is 50 to 100 milligrams daily, divided antihistamine,atarax several smaller doses.BEFORE antihistamine,atarax AFTER GENERAL ANESTHESIAAdultsWhy is Atarax prescribed?Atarax is an antihistamine used to relieve the symptoms of common anxiety and antihistamine,atarax and, antihistamine,atarax combination with other medications, antihistamine,atarax treat anxiety that results from physical antihistamine,atarax It also relieves itching from allergic reactions and can antihistamine,atarax used as a sedative before and after general anesthesia. Antihistamines work by decreasing the effects of antihistamine,atarax a chemical the body releases antihistamine,atarax narrows air passages in the lungs and contributes to inflammation. Antihistamines reduce itching and swelling and dry up secretions from the antihistamine,atarax eyes, and throat.advertisementMost important fact about AtaraxAtarax is not intended for long-term use (more than antihistamine,atarax antihistamine,atarax antihistamine,atarax doctor should re-evaluate the antihistamine,atarax periodically.How antihistamine,atarax you take Atarax?Take this medication exactly as prescribed by your.
of body weight.OverdosageAny medication taken in excess can have serious antihistamine,atarax If you suspect If.
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