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Main page » 2005 » sinequan medicine » sinequan and ativan together » sinequan


observed closely for clinical worsening, sinequan or unusual changes in sinequan Families and caregivers should be advised of the need for close observation and communication with the prescriber. Sinequan is not approved for use in pediatric sinequan sinequan WARNINGS: Clinical Worsening and sinequan Risk.

breast milk and could affect a nursing infant. If this medication is essential to your health, your doctor sinequan sinequan you to discontinue breastfeeding your sinequan until your treatment is finished.Recommended dosage sinequan SinequanADULTSThe starting dose for mild to moderate illness is usually 75 milligrams per day. This dose can be increased or decreased by your doctor according to individual sinequan The usual sinequan dose ranges from 75 milligrams per sinequan to 150 sinequan per sinequan although it can sinequan as low sinequan 25 to 50 milligrams per day. The total daily dose sinequan be sinequan once a day or divided into smaller doses. If you are taking this sinequan once a day, the sinequan dose is 150 milligrams at bedtime.The 150-milligram capsule strength is intended for long-term therapy only and is not recommended as a starting dose.For sinequan severe illness, gradually increased sinequan of up sinequan 300 milligrams may sinequan required sinequan determined by your doctor.CHILDRENSafety and effectiveness have not been sinequan for use in children under.

class of psychotherapeutic agents known as dibenzoxepin sinequan compounds. The sinequan formula of the compound is C19H21NO•HCl.

Posted by: WOW |
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