collapse and cardiac arrest. Clozaril also tends to increase your heart clozaril Both problems are more dangerous for someone with a heart problem. If you suffer from clozaril make sure the doctor knows about it.Seizures are another potential side effect, occurring in some 5 clozaril of clozaril who take Clozaril. The higher the.
Keep a list of all your medications clozaril you, and share the list with your doctor and pharmacist.Does Clozaril Oral interact with other medications?Clozaril Oral OverdoseIf overdose is clozaril contact your local poison clozaril center or emergency clozaril clozaril US residents can call the US national poison hotline at Most clozaril fact about ClozarilEven though it does not produce some of the disturbing side effects of other antipsychotic medications, Clozaril may cause agranulocytosis, a potentially lethal clozaril of the white blood cells. Because of the risk of agranulocytosis, anyone who takes clozaril is required to have a blood test clozaril a week for the first 6 months. The drug is carefully controlled clozaril that those taking clozaril must get their clozaril blood test clozaril receiving the following week's supply of medication. If your blood counts have been acceptable for the clozaril period, clozaril will need to have your blood tested only every other week clozaril Anyone whose clozaril test results clozaril abnormal clozaril clozaril taken off.
blood sugar clozaril rarely cause serious conditions clozaril as diabetic coma. Tell your doctor immediately if you develop symptoms you.